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Before our crews visit your farm we ask that all sensitive stock is removed from the load sites and application areas. If this is not practical please ensure that the crew are notified of their whereabouts. We also ask that you check any proposed landing sites and secure or remove any loose articles (bale wrap, sheets of iron etc) that may be lifted by the helicopters downwash.

For spraying operations please check that there is adequate clean water in tanks or creeks you are proposing to draw from.

You will receive a full safety briefing at the time of application. Please also remember to notify any neighbouring properties of our arrival if applicable.

Low-level helicopter accidents are most often caused by hazards such as wires not being identified to the pilot before operations commence. Lister Helicopters are ambassadors of the Down to the Wire initiative and we encourage all farmers to remove any unused wires from their properties and also to ensure that any remaining wires are marked and identified on the spray plan. With your help we can stop these kinds of unnecessary accidents from happening.

Safety around helicopters is a number one priority for Lister Helicopters. The safety of crew members and all persons who come into contact with our operation is of paramount importance.

Please take a moment to read the safety information below. 

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